Elcometer 331² CoverMaster® Software for complete data management |
free with each Elcometer 331² Model HM, SH, TH and THD, Elcometer's
CoverMaster® software is designed to further simplify the setting
up of your covermeter.
This easy to use, powerful software package allows quick data transfer into the CoverMaster® data management system. Covermeter and Half-Cell readings can be stored along with associated photographs, Word® documents, Excel® spreadsheets and other files. |
The Header page contains all the details of the particular site. This includes information such as Batch ID, creation date, site name, location, engineer name, customer name, notes etc. |
The batch data is displayed in grid or linear form. These figures are downloaded from the Elcometer 331² straight into this format, so there is no need for time consuming manual inputting of readings. |
The reading review screen allows you to see your data clearly, highlighting the out of range figures in red, so you can obtain a clear overview of your readings. |
data can be easily translated into a topographic view giving you all
the information you need at a glance. |
Elcometer 331² CoverMaster® Software for powerful reporting All of the data
and the different ways it can be presented for analysis to suit specific
requirements can be put together into a report. |
Reports are fully customisable giving you the ability to add your own logos, photos, add memos and include as much of the information as is necessary for records. Once
a report is generated, it can be saved to PC, printed out or saved
as a Portable Document File (.pdf) ready to e-mail it wherever it
needs to go - all from within the CoverMaster® Software. |
As all the information is in one place and CoverMaster® links up directly with photographs. Excel, Word and PowerPoint files, it is simple to analyse and assess the findings. This stops time wasted and confusion switching between different types of programme to view different types of information. CoverMaster® software is all that is required to manage data. |
Everything is simply archived, ready for use whenever it's needed. It is easy to switch between views and results and decide which report style to use to display the findings. |
Store data, survey notes, inspection reports, photographs, PDF files and any other inspection information all in one easy to access, easy to use programme - CoverMaster®. |
The end result is a software program that can be tailored to personal requirements to produce professional, detailed reports quickly, easily and effectively. |