Elcometer 6300 Colour Assessment Cabinets

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The Elcometer 6300 range of Colour Assessment Cabinets provide a controlled environment for viewing colour samples and are suitable for any industry where there is a need to maintain colour consistency and quality. These include paint, textiles, automotive, ceramics, cosmetics, dyeing, food, footware, inks, packaging, printing etc.

The Elcometer 6300 cabinets also allow the easy detection of metamerism. Metamerism is commonly discussed in the terms of illuminants, where two
samples that are spectrally matched (exactly the same) match under one illuminant, but not another. For example two car door panels appear the same
colour in daylight, but under a streetlight at night appear completely different colours.

The Elcometer 6300 range have a choice of 3, 4 or 5 light source cabinets in a range of sizes and functionality to suit your particular requirements.

  • Light sources can be controlled, sequenced and programmed independently of each other.
  • Accurate colour comparison as well as easy detection of metamerism.
  • Constructed of fabricated steel, the Elcometer 6300 range significantly is lighter than MDF light cabinets available on the market.
  • All Elcometer 6300 light cabinets are painted using Munsell N7 paint which has a matt, none reflective finish to minimize glare.

Light sources include:

  • D65 - Artificial Daylight
  • TL84 / CWF - Euro / USA point of sale illumination
  • Illuminant A - Filament bulbs found in domestic environments
  • TL83 - Alternative point of sale light
  • UV - ultraviolet

